Our Attention to Detail

At Cream & Black we offer a Bespoke ‘Turn Key’ interior design package for our clients. We have many years of experience in the design industry, and we know what we choose for one client is going to be completely different to what we choose for another client, that’s what make our interiors completely tailored to our clients.
It seems pretty simple putting together a design scheme, right? Have you ever thought about the design process behind designing a bespoke cushion for example? There are multiple steps and decisions that go into designing one cushion.
1. Order loads of samples!
2. Selection of fabrics to coordinate with the design scheme and needs of our client. This could be anywhere from 1 fabric to 4+ for example Front, Rear, Piping/Trim, feature detail fabric
3. What edge detail to the cushion? Piped? Knife edge? Oxford?
4. Identifying the size of the cushion, that works with the scale of the furniture
5. Selecting the correct inner size for a plump well filled cushion and the filling
6. At this point we detail each element on a design sheet showing the placement of fabrics and all the detailed instructions
7. Once all these steps have been completed we go out for a quotation from our cushion maker
8. We then have the quantities of each fabric taking in to account any pattern repeat, we get all the fabric costs together
9. We enter this information into our specification software, detailing each fabric line item, make up costs and deliveries
10. At this point we present it to the client for approval
11. Next step is to raise each our supplier purchase order for element of the cushion and send to each supplier
12. Check the order confirmations are correct and accurate from each supplier
13. Each fabric is checked for imperfections upon delivery
14. The finished cushion is delivered to our design studio for inspection
15. Install the cushion on installation day, and karate chop away!
Just think of what goes into the designing a full house renovation project. We tackle full house renovations with this level of detail, giving our clients peace of mind know that all of the details are being handled by a professional.