Interior Designer Vs Interior Trends
With the release of ‘Pantone colour of the year 2019’ last week, it got me thinking about trends. Are they real? Should you follow them? Why should we be restricted to whats on trend? This time of year you hear the word trend wherever you turn, whether it’s in interiors, home accessories or fashion. People become so focused on what the media are telling them is trendy for the next year. It’s so easy to get swept into trends and buy something just because it’s trendy, but do you actually love it? Trends can originate anywhere and die as quickly as they are born. Shouldn’t Interior design be a matter of evolution and full of never-ending combinations?

Many of our projects are a long time in the making, taking 18 months – 2 years from concept to completion. Starting with the Architectural elements, we build the layers and prioritise the elements to have the most longevity; like the architectural details, Ironmongery & the Kitchen. Although we specify the furniture and soft furnishings last, we see the whole project from the beginning, so need to consider every detail from conception. With clients investing a lot of time and money into their projects, we opt for a transitional style, which blends traditional influences with a modern approach for design, to create interiors that will stand the test of time and still look beautiful in years to come.

To be honest I’m not a big believer in trends, of course there are natural developments with finishes and vague colour palettes, such as the move away from chrome to more established warmer metals like Nickel, Bronze and Antique Brass. I am however strong believer that interior should be as timeless as possible without being bland, our interiors aren’t for our portfolio they are for our clients, so they need to reflect our client’s personality. Become an Author, telling a story through designs. It’s a story about our client not us.

We are responsive to out client’s needs and how they intend to use the space. There has been a shift in requirements for example, to have an en-suite for every bedroom or the rise in demand for having spaces that have a relationship with the outdoors, we’ve also seen clients moving away from open plan living in favour of more intimate spaces.